
PostgreSQL, also known as Postgres, is a free, open-source relational database management system that emphasizes scalable SQL compliance. The original name is POSTGRES, which indicates its origin as the successor to the Ingres database developed at the University of California, Berkeley. This exclusive PostgreSQL certificate course is developed just for those who need to dig deeply into Databases using PostgreSQL and want to learn more about PostgreSQL. This course provides an understanding of the Database using PostgreSQL.

What will you learn?

In this course, you will learn Basic Database concepts, ER diagrams, Functional dependencies and various normal forms. you will learn Database queries using PostgreSQL, Create and alter database and table, Querying and filtering data, Joins, Triggers, Views, Functions, store procedures and Indexing.

Prerequisite: An eagerness to learn and an open mind.

Title Duration
What Is DBMS? Advantages And Disadvantages Of DBMS, Functions Of DBMS, Data Models, Instance And Schemas, E-R Diagrams, Database Languages, Various Keys(Primary, Foreign, Candidate And Super Key), Prime And Non-prime Attributes, Database Constraints. 4:00 Hrs
Functional Dependency, Normal Forms(1NF, 2NF, 3NF, BCNF, 4NF And 5NF) 3:00 Hrs
Introduction To Pgsql, Pgsql Features Highlights, Installation Of Postgresql 2:00 Hrs
Create Database, Delete/Drop Database, Create Table, Delete/Drop Table, Create Schema, Create Table In Schema, Drop Schema 2:00 Hrs
Insert Query, Select Statement, Update Statement, Delete Statement, Alter Table, Rename Table 2:00 Hrs
Querying Data (Select, Order By, Column Alias, Select Distinct) 1:00 Hrs
Filtering Data (Where, Limit, Fetch, In, Between, Like, Is Null) 1:00 Hrs
Joins (Inner Join, Left Join, Self Join, Full Outer Join, Right Join, Cross Join, Natural Join) 3:00 Hrs
Group By, Having 1:00 Hrs
Set Operations (Union, Intersect, Except), Grouping Set, Cube, Rollup 1:00 Hrs
Triggers - Introduction To Triggers, Create Triggers, Drop Triggers, Alter Triggers, Disable And Enable Triggers. 3:00 Hrs
Views - Introduction To View, Create Views, Create View With Where/And Or/Group By/Orderby/Between In/Like/Subqueries/Join/Union, Alter View, Drop View 4:00 Hrs
Functions - Aggregate Functions (Count, Sum, Max, Min, Avg), Date And Time Function, String Functions, Math Functions, Array Functions. 4:00 Hrs
Stored Procedures 4:00 Hrs
Acid Properties And Indexing 3:00 Hrs